
We got a new puppy on Saturday. Her name is Sadie.

sadie bed

Hi Sadie!

Why did we get a new puppy?

Well, why not? I’ve always adopted dogs that were a bit older, and wanted the experience of raising one from a pup. Also, our Basset hound Penny seems to get bored sometimes. She tries to play with Lucy, but Lucy doesn’t quite know how to play. She just stands there and wags her tail.

So, puppy.

It’s been a busy few days, integrating her into the house.

Training her to sit, getting her used to the kennel, trying to not stop working to pet her ridiculously soft puppy face every five minutes…

I filled out the adoption paperwork last Tuesday, and met her at Petco on Saturday to make sure she’d be a good fit. We both had a long day, and a long drive back to Castle Valley.

sadie sleeping
Sadie slept most of the 4.5 hour drive home.

She’s been amazing, though.

We’ve had her sleeping in the sun room, with the doors shut to keep her from the rest of the house, since we are still working on basic ground rules (including please ignore the cats) and she has not whined or barked once. She just goes to sleep and waits excitedly when I get up for me to come and visit.

She has not gone to the bathroom on the floor, either. Amazing, for a puppy.

Sadie is getting along really well with our other dogs, a basset hound and a basset/lab mix.

three dogs

We adopted her from the Utah Friends of Basset Hounds, which is a fantastic organization. 🙂

My cat has not quite gotten on board with this whole “let’s get a dog” idea, but she’ll come around, eventually.

Welcome home, Sadie.

lucy & penny

December 15th we woke up to an impressive amount of powdery snow in Castle Valley. All of Utah and Colorado were slammed by this big snow storm, but our valley is pretty tough on storm systems, and we don’t tend to get hit too hard, usually.


This morning, though, we got more than I’d seen in the last year and a half of living here. So I grabbed the iPhone when I let the dogs out first thing in the morning. They had fun. Their tiny legs make it even funnier. I put the vid to some funk music (because why not?) and here’s the result. It’s pretty fantastic.

Turn up the volume and press “play.”